My Get Home Bag

Over the years I have read a lot about "go bags" and frankly not too much about "get home" bags. This really hasn't made sense to me, if a SHTF scenario happens I don't know where a "go bag" would get me to whereas I know precisely where my "get home" bag gets me to. That seems to be evolving a bit as I seem to read a bit more these days online about get home bags. The get home bag for me has evolved and continues to do so. What I have sitting in the Jeep tomorrow will likely be slightly different than today. That said, it felt important to lay out some core components of my get home bag. This bag better prepares me to get home to my wife if for whatever reason my Jeep can't go. It is far from an insurance policy, but it is much better than having nothing at all.

A couple of overarching themes:

  • A set of spare clothes helps protect me from whatever elements may be happening weather wise, it certainly makes travel more comfortable, but it also makes me a non-descript "nothing to see here" kind of guy. You'll notice the same thing about the pack - no camo, not real "tactical" looking. It's just a non-descript pack.
  • I have several shelter options that have multi-use functionality. The space blankets, tarp, knives, and paracord can help build a shelter, reinforce a shelter, as well as helping accomplish many other things. 
  • I view fire as critical. From the office I am not quite a full day's walk from home so one could argue I wouldn't have to stay overnight outside. That's just not a gamble I'm willing to take. If a SHTF scenario happens at 8:00 PM and I don't feel comfortable walking through the night (for whatever reason) I want the options to build a quick shelter and have a quick fire. Clearly I don't want to fight to get that fire started either, it's too convenient to have a couple of quick starters on hand to remove any possibility of fire starting headaches.
  • Food and Water are critical. Water much more so than food. So a couple of water bottles plus a filter I view as critical. The few Clif bars will simply help keep energy up on the journey home. 
  • Clearly none of these contents represent long term solutions and they are not intended to. The get home bag is designed to do one thing, get me home. 
This is everything dumped in the drive way. Some details are below but in general you see some clothes that are easy to travel in if walking has to be done, some high calorie food, some water and water solutions, some shelter options, and then some …

This is everything dumped in the drive way. Some details are below but in general you see some clothes that are easy to travel in if walking has to be done, some high calorie food, some water and water solutions, some shelter options, and then some vehicle "breaking down" helpers.

These obviously aren't really "get home" products but they do go everywhere with me in the Jeep. It can never be a bad thing to have some solutions to problems that there is certainly a chance of happening. So a battery jumper that can also help cha…

These obviously aren't really "get home" products but they do go everywhere with me in the Jeep. It can never be a bad thing to have some solutions to problems that there is certainly a chance of happening. So a battery jumper that can also help charge phones or the air pump, the pump to help with low or flat tires, and a little Fix-A-Flat for quick tire solutions if changing to the spare isn't an option during a specific moment.

In my opinion it is hard to have too much paracord. It can be used to help with shelter, tie things on, it can be used for trapping. Its uses are almost limitless. This includes the potential for trade if someone needs some cord and they have someth…

In my opinion it is hard to have too much paracord. It can be used to help with shelter, tie things on, it can be used for trapping. Its uses are almost limitless. This includes the potential for trade if someone needs some cord and they have something you need as well.

If an overnight stay becomes the situation, I view fire as fairly important. Of course fire may be the worst thing to do so you have to read the situation. If I want or need a fire though I want several options and an easy process in lighting. Yes, …

If an overnight stay becomes the situation, I view fire as fairly important. Of course fire may be the worst thing to do so you have to read the situation. If I want or need a fire though I want several options and an easy process in lighting. Yes, I have two lighters in the bag. In case one fails, or in case some trading is in my future with someone who strongly desires to have fire themselves.

Emergency blankets are cheap and may help water proof a shelter or keep the elements off of me. To me they are an easy add with little downside.

Emergency blankets are cheap and may help water proof a shelter or keep the elements off of me. To me they are an easy add with little downside.

I don't want to lose energy too early in the process so having a few Clif bars on hand alleviates my need to find food immediately. The mind will have so much going through it if I ever have to break into this bag that I think removing stressors lik…

I don't want to lose energy too early in the process so having a few Clif bars on hand alleviates my need to find food immediately. The mind will have so much going through it if I ever have to break into this bag that I think removing stressors like food and water will be a huge benefit.

Yes, two knives. In case one breaks, in case I need to trade, just in case. This is in addition to my EDC Benchmade. I had the knives on hand and saw no reason to not keep a couple in the get home bag. Knives can do so much more than just cut so I t…

Yes, two knives. In case one breaks, in case I need to trade, just in case. This is in addition to my EDC Benchmade. I had the knives on hand and saw no reason to not keep a couple in the get home bag. Knives can do so much more than just cut so I try and keep a broader perspective on the tool they are. That also adds credibility to duplication.

Spare clothes that are comfortable, warm, and non-descript. The boots are broken in and some good socks are critical. 

Spare clothes that are comfortable, warm, and non-descript. The boots are broken in and some good socks are critical. 

When you think about water and how critical it is I want a couple of solutions. I keep two 32oz bottles in the Jeep and also this Lifestraw. You can't have too much water but it's obviously heavy to carry so a filter will help keep access available …

When you think about water and how critical it is I want a couple of solutions. I keep two 32oz bottles in the Jeep and also this Lifestraw. You can't have too much water but it's obviously heavy to carry so a filter will help keep access available to drinkable water. 

A couple extra boxes of ammo can do no harm. In case I need them, or need to trade for something. I am a big fan of Hornady Critical Duty.

A couple extra boxes of ammo can do no harm. In case I need them, or need to trade for something. I am a big fan of Hornady Critical Duty.