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The Mission of Living With Heed

Living With Heed has three missions all leading to one ultimate goal - we want to help empower people to live a more aware and prepared life. The first mission is the development of the mind, body and spirit to be thinking about awareness in this volatile world we live in. The second mission stems from the first in that we then take that awareness and bring resources and tools that will empower preparedness. The last mission is to develop a line of products that either serve as a reminder to be Living With Heed or help solve for challenges that may occur allowing us to be even better prepared. This is what Living With Heed is.

It's important to address one additional thing here ... the tangents.

First among these is consumerism. Many people have worked in big business and as a result are disturbingly aware of this constant push by companies to "get more crap out there" coupled with a constant thirst from consumers to "have more stuff." Living With Heed has been working diligently on downsizing our life and simplifying things. We still fall prey at times, we still like our "things" but over the past couple of years the benefits of less consumerism have been amazing. We have less stuff, but better stuff. Additionally our lives are simply less cluttered, less distracted, and thus we are able to prioritize much better. It is this evolution that has lead to being able to do Living With Heed.

The biggest tangent and departure from what Living With Heed stands for are topics like smoking meat. Put simply, we are hobby rich and website poor 😄 We like to have fun and along the way have come up with some pretty cool and tasty things. Hopefully the tangents don't confuse things too much and if they do we'll evolve. We have some fun hobbies and to be able to share the roll they play in our lives is simply fun. 


You too possess the ability to be the lord of your own domain. You can count on yourself to protect your own life and the lives of those close to you.
— Sentinel, Pat McNamara